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During the TT festival Vitallokaal tested the best way to reach the public with their branding and message
WhatLearning about living a healthy lifestyle
By Vitalokaal
Living labTT Festival

Eating we all do. Every day, several times a day. We all know that the quick fixes, quick solutions or strict diets only work for a short period of time or not at all. That is why Vitalokaal focuses on healthy eating through fun, tasting, experimenting and, above all, experiencing what food can do for you.

During the TT Festival, Vitalokaal conducted a test to find out how they could most effectively convey their message about healthy eating. The test provided valuable insights. The interactions with festival visitors provided clear insight into what is required to develop a solid business model and a powerful company identity. It was striking that although people are enthusiastic about working towards a healthier lifestyle, at the same time they believe that they would not have to pay for it.

Website by HOAX Amsterdam