A sustainable green noise barrier
The mobile, green soundproof wall from Greenwall offers privacy and tranquility on terraces and in workplaces.
WhatA sustainable green noise barrier
By Greenwall
Living labTT Festival

Greenwall designs soundproof screens made of sustainable and organic materials. During the TT festival, they tested a new, mobile version of these screens: The CoffeeCorner. This green wall is ideal for placing on terraces and workplaces to create more privacy and tranquility. Existing sound walls are often less attractive and detract from the atmosphere of, for example, a terrace. The CoffeeCorner offers an aesthetic and functional solution and is almost completely biodegradable! The screens can even be adjusted to taste by varying with different climbing plants.

During the festival, an A/B test was conducted in which one part of a terrace used the CoffeeCorner and the other part did not. Visitors were asked to share their experience via tear-off cards. Although the quantitative results did not show significant differences between the two groups, mainly due to visitors who had already had a drink and appreciated the openness of the terrace, the qualitative interviews did provide interesting insights. Many visitors appreciated the aesthetics of the green walls and would like to see them on terraces. Older visitors appeared to appreciate the CoffeeCorner more than younger visitors.

Based on these findings, Greenwall is considering further product adjustments, such as higher walls and movable options. In addition, there is a need for further research into the right target group and suitable locations, possibly focused on terraces where visitors seek peace and quiet. Greenwall continues to focus on improving and refining the CoffeeCorner to meet the needs of various demographic groups.

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