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For 7 years in a row, Eurosonic Noorderslag (ESNS) has offered a great opportunity to sustainable and social entrepreneurs. With the support of Innofest, they can test their prototypes with the enthusiastic festival audience. And guess what? This year we’re partnering again to help no less than 5 innovative entrepreneurs from the Northern Netherlands to set up a test case during ESNS from January 17-20, 2024.

The test cases


Blousem: let older generations teach you how to repair your clothes

The garment industry has huge negative impacts on people and the environment. From processing raw materials to destroying or shipping discarded clothing. Blousem is committed to reducing the enormous mountain of clothing waste. They upcycle blouses: discarded, boring or broken blouses are turned into new, cool and salable items. They also give repair and upcycle workshops to show how to give clothing a second, third or even fourth life.

During ESNS they will host a free clothing repair workshop in Forum Groningen on January 18 and 19 from 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM at 1 Oost. Bring a piece of clothing that needs fixing and discover how to fix it yourself!


PlantJeBandje: sustainable festival straps

Every year more than 100,000 kilos of plastic bands end up in landfills in the Netherlands. Plantjebandje is changing this with festival straps containing hemp and flower seeds. After a successful test at Paradigm Festival, they are now introducing a more sustainable closure that will be tested by staff at ESNS.


Thunderboom Records: the future of music with AI and AR

Dive into the future of music with Thunderboom Records! They support talented artists through AI and Augmented Reality. During ESNS they showcase different AI and AR tools and ask artists how they would apply them. This way they help every musician in the Netherlands with equal opportunities and resources to work safely and autonomously with the latest technology.


Volta Energy: emission-free energy

Volta Energy is taking the first step toward zero-emission energy with their solar generators. They aim to provide reliable backup power with advanced fuel cell technology and hydrogen even when the sun is not fully shining. During ESNS, they are supplying power to the nightliner bus where BumaStemra conducts workshops.


Albird: smart sensors in refrigerators

55.4 million pounds of food are wasted annually in the hospitality industry alone. Albird offers a solution with an app connected to smart sensors that enables constant temperature control in coolers and freezers. During ESNS, these innovative sensors will be tested backstage in the freezers and refrigeration for crew food.

Thriving alumni thanks to the Green Deal Circular Festivals
As leaders in the festival industry, the Green Deal Circular Festivals aim for fully circular and climate-neutral festivals. Innofest supported this mission by testing sustainable…
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DGTL Festival, a place where innovation thrives
DGTL Festival isn’t just about music, it’s an environment of creativity and experimentation. This year during the weekender, four initiatives showcased their ideas that make…
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Innofest goes international
In the coming year, Innofest will work together with LiveGreen, One Resilient Earth and Green Events. Together they aim to stimulate sustainable innovation at festivals.…
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