Snellere hulp tijdens incidenten
Using 3D mapping and trackers to identify incidents during a festival
WhatDetecting incidents and enabling support
By Emit IT
Living labTT Festival

Although we would prefer it to be otherwise, but incidents such as congestion or accidents sometimes take place during festivals. In certain situations, there is no time to report via walkie-talkie or indicate where the situation is. During the TT Festival, Drenthe startup Emit IT used 3D mapping to create up-to-date drone images of the festival site, giving the command post at the city hall instant insight into the locations of incidents. In addition, several groups of first aiders were equipped with a unique tracker that can operate independently of the mobile network. This advanced technology enabled the TT Festival’s first aid, police and security to respond quickly. They were therefore extremely enthusiastic about the results.


The entrepreneurs collected more than 20,000 data points, providing a valuable basis for further analysis. The test gave the entrepreneurs a clear picture of how to improve the functionalities of their software. Points they will start working on right away, as they have already been invited to deploy their innovation at more events in the province.

Website by HOAX Amsterdam