Active breaks for a healthier workplace
Reducing sick leave with an AI employee health coach.
WhatActive breaks for a healthier workplace
By Movebite
Living labFBK Games

Movebite is an app that helps employees, who normally spend hours behind their desk, to move more. During the FBK games, the prototype of the AI ​​health coach was tested. The app schedules short exercise breaks so that employees can achieve their exercise goals during an office day. During the test, various aspects were assessed, such as the user-friendliness of the exercises, the effectiveness of the feedback and the accuracy of the algorithm.

‘It has been super valuable to test with Innofest, we have collected interesting data to continue with. It was great to see how much fun people had while doing the exercises, almost everyone had a smile on their face!’ says Rachel from Movebite. The next steps for Movebite are to optimize the app and expand the marketing to employers. They expect to be able to launch the app this month.

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